Rs Taxi Dermy General 5 simple solutions to common boiler problems

5 simple solutions to common boiler problems

5 simple solutions to common boiler problems post thumbnail image
Boiler breakdowns are simply the worst, especially when they happen during the winter when demand is at its highest.

Unfortunately, the majority of boiler problems require the services of a professional Gas Safe engineer, and any attempts at DIY repairs can be incredibly unsafe and ill-advised. That said, before you pick up the phone and call an emergency engineer, it is worth just having a quick check for some common boiler issues that can easily be resolved by pretty much anyone.

There is no guarantee that your boiler issues will be caused by one of the problems mentioned in the article below, but many are, and taking the time to check for them could save you’re a lot of stress and money in the long-term.

If your boiler won’t fire up, or you are getting no hot water from boiler, here are 5 of the potential causes, and a guide on how to fix them.

how to fix a boiler

Problem 1: Boiler lock

Many people don’t even realise that their boiler has a locking feature, but the majority do, acting as a failsafe measure to protect the unit and the property in the event of a sudden breakdown. Should there be a power cut, frozen pipe detected, or high pressure within the system, your boiler may lock, refusing to fire up in order to protect the internal components from damage. If this occurs, a simple reset can often have the boiler back up and running in no time.

If your boiler is locked, there might be a small red light on the boiler indicating this, or an error code that will refer to the issue in the manufacturer’s manual. In older systems, the boiler may simply lock without warning and only by resetting it will you know if this was the case. Most boilers are fitted with a reset button on the front control panel, if you can’t locate it look in the manual, or can be reset simply by turning the system off and on again.

If your boiler consistently locks itself with no obvious cause no matter how many times you reset it, there is clearly something wrong, and your only option is to call in a professional.

Problem 2: Thermostat problems

Getting your thermostat settings correct is critical to keeping your home at the perfect temperature during the winter. If you find that you are no longer getting sufficient heat from your radiators, check to see if someone has changed the thermostat settings or the thermostat is displaying an error message.

Another reason that your boiler might not fire up despite the home feeling rather chilly is due to where it is located. If the room in which the thermostat is found is warmer than the rest of the property, it will reach your desired temperature sooner and de-activate the boiler. If this is the case you might need to turn it up a few degrees or arrange to have it relocated.

Problem 3: Pressure issues

Both high and low pressure can cause problems that prevent your boiler from activating. If the pressure gauge on your boiler indicates low pressure, this can be fixed by increasing the pressure manually using the valve on the boiler to re-pressurise the system. If it indicates high pressure, you might need to bleed your radiators.

If you are consistently experiencing pressure related issues with your boiler, particularly regular pressure drops, there could be a leak in the heating system and the services of a professional Gas Safe engineer will be required.

Problem 4: A frozen condensate pipe

Condensate pipes help to drain waste water away from your boiler and unlike other pipes in your home heating system are often located on the exterior of the property. This makes them much more susceptible to freezing during the winter and if your boiler detects this it will cease operations as a safely measure.

If your boiler problems coincide with a particularly cold spell of weather, this may well be the cause and you could try applying a warm compress to the pipe outside to try and defrost it. Consider installing a pipe sleeve or similar insulation on the exterior of the pipe to prevent similar problems from occurring again in the future.

gas technician

Problems 5: Boiler light has gone out

The pilot light on your boiler can deactivate for any number of different reasons but as long as there are no serious underlying issues you can normally reset it by following the instructions in the manual. If this doesn’t work, check the fuse box to see if the system has tripped.

If the light going out coincides with any other warning signs such as a smell of gas or the flame inside the boiler has gone from blue to yellow, turn the system off and call the Gas Emergency line.

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A guide to house rewiring – How to tell when its time to call an electricianA guide to house rewiring – How to tell when its time to call an electrician


Knowing how to tell when your home needs to be rewired is extremely important.

In the worst cases, a failure to spot faulty wiring can result in fires or electrocution that could lead to serious injury or even death.

Even if nothing this serious does happen, modern electronics are required to adhere to tight building regulations, and failing to replace older wires will likely cause you to fail these, possibly invalidating your insurance should an incident occur.

Why is rewiring so important?

There are many reasons why a rewire may be required in your home. These include:

  • You live in an older property that has not been rewired within the past 30-40 years. Older properties were not designed to deal with the power requirements of the modern home, and are therefore unlikely to conform to modern building regulations.
  • You have just moved house and are unsure of the historical maintenance that has been conducted.
  • You are conducting a major remodel of the property, defined as a material alteration in the building regulations.
  • Your existing wiring is damaged beyond repair.

How to spot old wiring

Old wiring that has not been replaced in many years can pose a serious threat to the health of inhabitants.

However, it is not always that easy to spot the signs of old wiring and if you have only just moved into the property, or are renting, you might be unable to find out when the last time a rewire was conducted.

Here are a few of the easiest ways to tell that your older wiring may need to be replaced:

  • Electricity meter – An old-style electricity meter and fuse box is a clear indication that your system is not up to date. Modern consumer units have circuit breakers and RCDs (A sensitive safety device) included as standard, offering an additional level of safety that is not provided by older models.
  • Partial rewire – If there are a number of different socket designs around your home, it suggests that a partial rewire may have been conducted. It may be that the older wiring could be brought up to the rest of the circuit’s standard, or an entire rewire may be required.
  • Colour – Modern wiring running along your skirting board or on light fittings will be encased in a white or grey PVCu protecting cover. If your cabling is a different colour, it is probably not a modern fitting.

If you are unsure as to whether our wiring is up to date, get in touch with an electrician who will examine your system and put your mind at rest.

How to spot damaged wiring

Damaged wiring is a serious health and safety risk and needs to be replaced immediately.

Whilst old wiring poses a greater danger than newer installations, the risks associated with exposed wires are much greater, and without intervention are simply an accident waiting to happen.

Some of the most common signs that your wiring is damaged and needs to be replaced are:

Burning smell

Exposed wiring can lead to arching and the jumping of sparks from wiring to the inside of your walls or plug sockets.

If you are dealing with a burning smell around the home that has no obvious source, it may be a result of hidden singeing.


Sometimes the signs of singeing will be more obvious. Black or brown marks on the plug socket are a clear indication that sparking has occurred.

All it takes is for one of these sparks to ignite and you will be dealing with a serious house fire so call an emergency electrician immediately.

Flickering lightbulbs

If multiple lightbulbs in your home are flickering or you have tried replacing a single bulb and it has not fixed the flickering then you are likely dealing with an underlying wiring issue.

Electric shocks

If you have been shocked when plugging an appliance into a socket, even if you only felt a minor buzz call an electrician immediately as this is a clear sign that something is seriously wrong.

Until an electrician has arrived stay well clear of the socket and take care to keep any pets or children away from the area.

How much does a rewire cost?

House rewire electricians will usually work for a fixed price although the charge may vary depending on the length of time the job is expected to take and whether the property is a new build or an older home.

To find out more about our house rewiring scotland services or to get a free quote, get in touch with Central FS today and our expert electricians will be delighted to help.

Recommended Nose Jobs – A Few Benefits of rhinoplastyRecommended Nose Jobs – A Few Benefits of rhinoplasty

Nose jobs in Portland Oregon can be performed by any type of individual that has basic health, is a hard-working person, and is at least 21 years of age. If you have been living with a deformity for more than six months, your doctor may recommend a corrective surgery. As long as the surgeon believes that the correction will benefit you, he will help you make an informed decision. You should always consult your doctor before going through any type of surgical procedure.

The nose job in Portland Oregon does not require general anesthesia. Most surgeries require this to prevent complications during and after the procedure. Before undergoing a nose job, you should consult your doctor about your nasal strength. If you do not have a good nasal strength, then a rhinoplasty may not be the right job for you. Your physician will tell you if you are a good candidate for this surgery. Rhinoplasty is the most common nose job in Portland Oregon.

Some people believe that nose jobs in Portland are more popular than they used to be. It is actually becoming more popular because the nose job in Portland is cheaper than other nose jobs. Your insurance company will pay for the majority of the cost of rhinoplasty in Portland, Oregon. Because the surgery is performed at a reputable nose clinic, the surgeon does not have to use the “under the nose” method in order to perform the nose job. “Under the nose” rhinoplasty is painful, difficult, and causes significant damage to the nose. A good nose job in Portland, Oregon does not use this method, know more.

There are many different types of jobs that can be done using a nose job clinic. If you have a certain trait, such as a large nose, then it may be considered a cosmetic trait. Portland, Oregon has very reasonable prices on rhinoplasty procedures. It is more affordable than ever before. Many insurance companies cover cosmetic nose jobs in Portland because it is considered to be medically necessary.

If you are interested in a job in Portland, Oregon, there are many job fairs that you can attend. These fairs will offer you not only employment but also housing and transportation to get to your new job as well as tips and tricks about the job. Job fairs are a great way to learn all about the nose job procedures that are available.

If you feel that you would like to get a nose job in Portland, Oregon, there are many factors that you should consider before making a decision. Don’t get into a rhinoplasty procedure if it is not right for you. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your nose is if it isn’t something that you would like to live with for the rest of your life. The nose job Portland has to offer you will help you enhance the beauty of your face, but it also helps you become comfortable with the shape of your nose. Don’t wait to get a nose job in Portland, Oregon, because you may regret your decision later.

For more information about rhinoplasty in Portland Oregon visit The Portland Rhinoplasty Center and talk to board certified facial plastic surgeon Dr William Portuese.

Hot Water Systems Adelaide: Efficiency Unleashed: The Latest Innovations in Hot Water Systems for Adelaide HomesHot Water Systems Adelaide: Efficiency Unleashed: The Latest Innovations in Hot Water Systems for Adelaide Homes

In the realm of home comfort and functionality, few systems are as essential as hot water. For residents of Adelaide, where weather extremes can range from scorching summers to chilly winters, having a reliable hot water system is crucial. Fortunately, recent innovations in technology have revolutionised the landscape of the best hot water systems, offering Adelaide homeowners a diverse array of cutting-edge options. From advancements in energy efficiency to the integration of smart technology, the latest innovations are poised to transform the way we think about hot water in our homes.

Heat Pump Systems:

One of the most significant breakthroughs in hot water technology comes in the form of heat pump systems. Unlike traditional gas or electric water heaters, which generate heat through combustion or electrical resistance, heat pump systems utilise a different principle – they extract heat from the surrounding air or ground and transfer it to the water.

For Adelaide residents, where temperatures can soar during summer, air-source heat pump systems are particularly attractive. By harnessing the heat present in the ambient air, these systems can provide hot water even in the midst of scorching heat. Additionally, ground-source heat pump systems offer excellent efficiency year-round as they tap into the stable temperatures found underground.

Solar Water Heaters:

Adelaide’s abundant sunshine makes it an ideal location for solar water heaters. These systems harness the power of the sun to heat water, significantly reducing reliance on traditional energy sources and lowering utility bills. With advancements in solar technology, modern solar water heaters are more efficient and reliable than ever before.

In addition to standalone solar water heaters, Adelaide homeowners can also opt for solar heat pump hybrids. These best hot water systems combine the energy efficiency of heat pump technology with the renewable power of solar energy, offering an even greener solution for hot water needs.

Smart Technology Integration:

The integration of smart technology into hot water systems represents another significant leap forward. Smart water heaters come equipped with sensors, Wi-Fi connectivity, and advanced control interfaces, allowing homeowners to monitor.

Imagine being able to adjust your water heater’s temperature settings from your smartphone or receive alerts when maintenance is required. With smart water heaters, such conveniences are now a reality. Additionally, smart technology allows for more precise control over energy consumption, helping homeowners optimise efficiency and reduce costs.

Tankless Water Heaters:

Traditional water heaters store hot water in a tank, which can lead to energy losses due to standby heat loss. Tankless water heaters, on the other hand, heat water on demand, remarkably eliminating the need for a storage tank and reducing energy waste. These systems are compact, efficient, and capable of providing a continuous supply of hot water, making them an excellent choice for Adelaide homes.

Tankless water heaters are widely available in both gas and electric models, offering flexibility to homeowners based on their preferences and existing infrastructure. With no storage tank to worry about, tankless water heaters also free up valuable space in the home, making them ideal for smaller properties or those looking to maximise usable space.

Energy Efficiency Improvements:

Across the board, hot water system manufacturers are prioritising energy efficiency in their designs. From improved insulation to more efficient heating elements, these advancements help reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills for Adelaide homeowners.

Furthermore, many hot water systems now come with energy-saving features such as programmable timers, vacation modes, and eco-friendly settings. These features allow homeowners to tailor their hot water usage to their lifestyle while minimising energy waste.

Efficiency unleashed: the latest innovations in thebest hot water systems for Adelaide homes represent a significant step forward in home comfort, sustainability, and energy efficiency. From heat pump systems to solar water heaters, smart technology integration to tankless water heaters, the options available to Adelaide homeowners are more diverse and advanced than ever before.

By embracing these innovations, Adelaide residents can enjoy reliable hot water while minimising their environmental impact and reducing energy costs. Whether you’re looking to significantly upgrade your existing hot water system or install a new one in your Adelaide home, there has never been a better time to explore the latest advancements in hot water technology.