Rs Taxi Dermy General A guide to house rewiring – How to tell when its time to call an electrician

A guide to house rewiring – How to tell when its time to call an electrician


Knowing how to tell when your home needs to be rewired is extremely important.

In the worst cases, a failure to spot faulty wiring can result in fires or electrocution that could lead to serious injury or even death.

Even if nothing this serious does happen, modern electronics are required to adhere to tight building regulations, and failing to replace older wires will likely cause you to fail these, possibly invalidating your insurance should an incident occur.

Why is rewiring so important?

There are many reasons why a rewire may be required in your home. These include:

  • You live in an older property that has not been rewired within the past 30-40 years. Older properties were not designed to deal with the power requirements of the modern home, and are therefore unlikely to conform to modern building regulations.
  • You have just moved house and are unsure of the historical maintenance that has been conducted.
  • You are conducting a major remodel of the property, defined as a material alteration in the building regulations.
  • Your existing wiring is damaged beyond repair.

How to spot old wiring

Old wiring that has not been replaced in many years can pose a serious threat to the health of inhabitants.

However, it is not always that easy to spot the signs of old wiring and if you have only just moved into the property, or are renting, you might be unable to find out when the last time a rewire was conducted.

Here are a few of the easiest ways to tell that your older wiring may need to be replaced:

  • Electricity meter – An old-style electricity meter and fuse box is a clear indication that your system is not up to date. Modern consumer units have circuit breakers and RCDs (A sensitive safety device) included as standard, offering an additional level of safety that is not provided by older models.
  • Partial rewire – If there are a number of different socket designs around your home, it suggests that a partial rewire may have been conducted. It may be that the older wiring could be brought up to the rest of the circuit’s standard, or an entire rewire may be required.
  • Colour – Modern wiring running along your skirting board or on light fittings will be encased in a white or grey PVCu protecting cover. If your cabling is a different colour, it is probably not a modern fitting.

If you are unsure as to whether our wiring is up to date, get in touch with an electrician who will examine your system and put your mind at rest.

How to spot damaged wiring

Damaged wiring is a serious health and safety risk and needs to be replaced immediately.

Whilst old wiring poses a greater danger than newer installations, the risks associated with exposed wires are much greater, and without intervention are simply an accident waiting to happen.

Some of the most common signs that your wiring is damaged and needs to be replaced are:

Burning smell

Exposed wiring can lead to arching and the jumping of sparks from wiring to the inside of your walls or plug sockets.

If you are dealing with a burning smell around the home that has no obvious source, it may be a result of hidden singeing.


Sometimes the signs of singeing will be more obvious. Black or brown marks on the plug socket are a clear indication that sparking has occurred.

All it takes is for one of these sparks to ignite and you will be dealing with a serious house fire so call an emergency electrician immediately.

Flickering lightbulbs

If multiple lightbulbs in your home are flickering or you have tried replacing a single bulb and it has not fixed the flickering then you are likely dealing with an underlying wiring issue.

Electric shocks

If you have been shocked when plugging an appliance into a socket, even if you only felt a minor buzz call an electrician immediately as this is a clear sign that something is seriously wrong.

Until an electrician has arrived stay well clear of the socket and take care to keep any pets or children away from the area.

How much does a rewire cost?

House rewire electricians will usually work for a fixed price although the charge may vary depending on the length of time the job is expected to take and whether the property is a new build or an older home.

To find out more about our house rewiring scotland services or to get a free quote, get in touch with Central FS today and our expert electricians will be delighted to help.

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The Many Benefits of Organic Potting SoilThe Many Benefits of Organic Potting Soil

A young man working in the garden

Organic potting soil is an essential component for any successful garden. Not only does it provide nutrients to the plants, but it also improves drainage and prevents pests from attacking your plants. If you are looking for a way to improve your gardening skills, or just want to have a beautiful organic garden in your backyard, then organic potting soil should be one of the first things on your list!

What is Organic Potting Soil?

Organic potting soil is the mixture of organic materials (mostly peat moss, bark chips and other plant material) that gardeners use to get their plants started. It provides nutrients for them as well as improving drainage in containerized areas. While many people don’t think about it too much when starting a new garden or landscaping project, organic potting soil is actually a very important element.

Organic Potting Soil vs Commercial Potting Soils

While commercial potting soils can be beneficial to your plants, they lack the nutrients that you will get with an organic potting mix. This means that using just regular old dirt from outside or even some of those packaged soils from the nursery will not give you plants a healthy start.

Commercial Potting Soils can be beneficial to your plants, but lack the nutrients that organic potting soil provides. This means using regular dirt from outside or packaged soils from a nursery is not going to provide your plants with a healthy start!

Benefits of Organic Potting Soil

There are many benefits to using organic potting soil, not only for your plants but also for the environment and even your pocketbook. Here is a list of just some of those benefits:

Organic Potting Soil allows you to grow healthy plants without all the chemicals that commercial soils have. This means healthier vegetables & fruits as well as brighter flowers.

Organic Potting Soil improves drainage in containerized areas – this means less watering and more drought-resistant plants.

Using organic potting soil can help you save money because there is no need to purchase items like fertilizer or pesticides that are not needed with the use of an organic mix.

Organic Potting Soil allows for healthier plants without needing to purchase items like fertilizer or pesticides that aren’t needed with an organic mixture.

We hope this article helped make your garden greener!

The Richlawn Company

15121 Co Rd 32

Platteville, CO 80651

(303) 659-6003

Getting your Boiler ready for the WinterGetting your Boiler ready for the Winter

Preparing your boiler for the winter is an important task for any homeowner. The winter is when you’ll rely on your boiler the most, and ensuring it functioning properly is vital. In this article we’ll go over the best ways to ensure your boiler is ready for the winter.

Getting your Annual Service

Getting your annual service is probably the most important thing a homeowner can do to prepare their home for the winter.

Not only is this vital to do to keep your boiler under its warranty (and maintain all the benefits that come with this), but to ensure your boiler is functioning properly. A qualified engineer will examine the boiler, carefully cleaning components, and replacing any components that are damaged.

This can solve potential problems before they can become serious issues and is a great way to prevent your boiler from breaking down during the winter (the worst time for it to fail). It’s best to have your service done before the winter, because this is when engineers have the least amount of work and so it’s much easier to get an appointment.

Bleed the radiators

Radiators may not heat up properly and may be cool at the top but warm at the bottom. This is because hot water is not properly circulating through them, often because of air pockets. This can put a lot of strain on your boiler, while also reducing its energy efficiency (and so costing you more to heat your home).

Another sign you need to bleed your radiators is a gurgling noise, or the radiators taking longer to heat up.

It is good to bleed your radiators once a year, usually around autumn time. This is just before the winter cold snap.

Bleeding the radiators is a simple process. Make sure your heating is off and your radiators are cold. Hold an old cloth (or a jug) beneath the bleed valve and then insert the bleed key. Turn counter clockwise until there is a hissing sound. When water begins to escape, turn the key clockwise to tighten the valve once again.

Repeat this process across the rest of your radiators and then turn on your heating and see if the radiators are heating up correctly. If this does not fix the issue, you may need to have your radiators either drained or flushed.

Check your boiler pressure

Keeping your boiler pressure in check is a simple but important task for any homeowner.

Most central heating systems are sealed and work by heating cold water and pumping it through pipes and radiators. The system is pressurised and has to maintain a stable pressure in order to move around the water efficiently. If this pressure is compromised, then the central heating will become inefficient. Not only will this cost you more to run, but it will take longer for your central heating to warm up your home.

Most boilers have a pressure gauge showing you what the current pressure is. If you have a hydraulic pressure gauge, then low and high pressure will be indicated by red sections on the dial. Digital gauges on the other hand will have a flashing pressure reading.

Always check the manual for your boiler. Systems can be very different from one another, and the manual will indicate what the correct pressure should be.

Both low and high pressure can cause serious problems. Low pressure means the amount of water that is circulating inside of your water has dropped. This can result from a leak or a poorly performed radiator bleed. In either case, you should contact a professional to get help.

High boiler pressure is liable to impact the overall efficiency of your boiler. Furthermore, it is liable to end up causing leaks. High boiler pressure can result from the system being overfilled by water, the natural expansion of boiler parts, and the failure of pressure release devices in the boiler.

It is important to get an expert in ASAP to fix these issues.

Test your central heating system

A central heating system which hasn’t been used regularly for an extended period runs the risk of it developing issues. You may find if you haven’t had your central heating on during the summer (which is the case for most people) that radiators may be slow to heat up. The system may even fail entirely.

Inactivity is a major cause of boiler failure. The system can end up becoming stagnant and even result in serious blockages and breakdowns. After a long period of inactivity, the internal components of a boiler can feel a huge amount of strain having to heat your home, resulting in a breakdown.

As a result, it’s a good idea to test your central heating system with before the winter. This helps to ‘ease’ the system back into normal functionality and avoids putting too much pressure on the system.

How To Optimize Your Event Invitations CampaignsHow To Optimize Your Event Invitations Campaigns

Whenever you are throwing an anniversary party, a workplace party, corporate event, dinner party, holiday party, or wedding, the first matter people must absolutely take into consideration is actually who you are planning to invite. The attendee list is paramount because the quantity of people attending has a forthright influence on the venue and likewise on the menu. Whether or not you’ve employed an expert to do your event planning for you, or you’ve taken on the job yourself, it’s important to render a list of the invitees and then decide on the optimal option of asking them to attend.

How To Be Successful With Event Personalized Video Invitations

There is really nothing like getting a personalized video invitation to a party or event and feeling like you are part of the upcoming party itself. When you can make your invited guest feel like that, you have struck gold. Why? Because your invited guests will be motivated and looking forward to the event long before it kicks off. In all likelihood, the guests will be thinking about the event and talking about the event with their family and friends. What if a host of a function came over and knocked on your door to inquire with you firsthand if you would come to their holiday party. Just how would make you feel? For the majority of people, it would make all of them feel important and truly significant and if they do not show up, they will be missed. That is what personalized video invitations can do and when they are done appropriately. Not only that, a genuine, personalized video invitation makes folks feel cozy and valued. It makes an everyday friend think they are a best friend and makes a good friend feel like part of the family. Simply put, it makes the invitee feel very good about showing up at the event. When your invitation can achieve such a feat, it creates a feeling that no other invitation can because the invitation is more about the guest than the event itself. And now for management and business events, a personalized video invitation done properly is the most ideal way to make a colleague, a contributor, or a business associate feel so significant that it seems like they are part of what is being honored. creative video invitations

How Birthday Party Invitations Must Be Approached

In the case that your event is on a smaller scale, as an example, a birthday party, you have the ability to spearhead those invitations in various ways. There are many event planning websites on the internet which furnish templates for birthday party invites. Just download one of the templates and fill in the essential info. Going the extra distance by sending personalized birthday party invitations is an effective idea. Children enjoy this because they automatically feel special when they see their name on the card announcing the party. When it pertains to adult birthday party invitations, oftentimes, getting the invited guests to make an appearance can absolutely be a hurdle. Even so, by personalizing the invites, you seize the interest of the recipient and it makes a huge difference on how the invited guests feel about appearing. If you’ve selected a specialist to handle the event planning, they may perhaps advise an alternative for invitations or they may just request the guest list and deal with the invitation design and mailing themselves.

Personalized New Year’s Eve Celebration Invitations

If you are plotting a New Year’s Eve party, you should be considering how to get the invited guests to show up since you will be contending with other parties going on at the same time. Knowing that, your invitations really should be personalized, exciting, and attention-grabbing. An ordinary invitation usually conveys a typical party so make your invitations catch the eye and radiate excitement. Party planners have the option to involve a theme into the New Year’s Eve bash as much or as little as they prefer. Attendees who join the bash have the option of completely taking advantage of your theme and dressing or acting as a particular character during the party or simply attending the party and reveling in the environment, dishes, cocktails, and entertainment offered by the host. An illustration of a far more chic theme for a New Year’s Eve celebration can feature a red carpet extravaganza where guests are encouraged to dress like their favored motion picture starlet from an era of their choice. video invitation ideas for New Year’s Eve party Also, consider the theme could easily be confined to a specific point in time with invitees forecasted to dress like starlets from the relevant point in time. This is a fantastic idea for a New Year’s Eve celebration theme because quite a few guests like to dress in their most refined outfits and this would give them the opportunities to dress to wow. Developing a themed New Year’s Eve party is a lot of fun but it is also substantially a bit more difficult than planning a party without a theme solely because there is more coordination involved in the planning stage and in trying to ensure all of the details of the party fit throughout the theme.

Good examples of things that can be included into a party theme are alcohols, entertainment, cuisine, designs, dress, music and songs, solicitations.

When You Are Ready For Invites

Regardless of your event, if invitations are appropriate, it’s important to get them out early and ask the invitees to take action regarding whether or not they can attend. This is critical for proper event planning because immediately after you have a good idea of the size of the crowd, you can successfully plan on the other aspects that will make your party the best it can be.