Rs Taxi Dermy General 7 Tips to protect your Apartment from fires

7 Tips to protect your Apartment from fires

Waking Watch

Fire safety is extremely important in apartments, and it is essential to be aware of everyday fire hazards and the best way to prevent disaster.

This guide will help you do just that, explaining some of the common causes of apartment building fires and some of the best things that you can do to protect your home, loved ones, and neighbours.

7 key fire safety tips

There are a wide variety of different reasons for fires starting, each of which has the potential for devastating consequences.

Don’t panic, however, as there are plenty of things that you can do to fire-proof your apartment and significantly reduce the risk of a fire outbreak.

Here are 8 of the most important fire safety tips that will help to ensure the safety of all those in your apartment building:

1. Install working smoke detectors

The very first line of defence in the case of a fire is a working smoke alarm system in your apartment.

A smoke alarm will alert everyone in your home the moment that a hint of smoke is detected in your home, allowing for a rapid response, either extinguishing a small fire if it has just started, or making sure that everyone is able to evacuate as quickly as possible.

Make sure to test your smoke alarms every single month to ensure their continued operation and replace the batteries on a regular basis.

2. Take care when cooking

Cooking fires are some of the most common in the UK, so take particular care when hard at work in your apartment’s kitchen.

Never leave a stove unattended as all it takes is for a pan to bubble over or a small spillage to occur and a fire could easily start.

3. Don’t run cords under rugs

Damaged electrical cords are a major fire hazard, and it is important that you keep an eye out for exposed wires and replace cords at the first sign of wearing.

If your cords are hidden underneath carpets or rugs, there is no way to ensure that the protective plastic coating is still in place, not to mention that these flammable materials will cause any potential fire to spread extremely quickly.

4. Avoid naked flames

For obvious reasons, naked flames pose a serious fire safety hazard and great care should be taken when using them in an apartment.

Consider using electric candles instead of lit ones, as these offer all the same atmospheric benefits as real candles but without the same risk of fire.

5. Use Surge Protectors

Electronic devices are a huge part of everyday life, but the power required to run all the appliances in your home is significant.

If outlets get overloaded due to excessive use, electrical surges can occur.

To avoid these surges creating a major fire safety risk, fit surge protectors if you have a lot of electronics plugged into your home electricity system.

6. Keep sockets clear

If an electrical surge does occur in your home, keeping excessive clutter away from your plug sockets will significantly reduce the chance of a fire starting.

7. Be aware of your buildings fire safety regulations

Apartment building management companies are legally required to put safety precautions in place to best protect tenants in their building.

A part of this is conducting a full fire risk assessment of the building which will detail evacuation policy and the fire risks associated with common areas.

By making yourself aware of the building’s fire safety policy, as well as the locations of fire extinguishers, fire escapes, and smoke alarms in the building, you will be well prepared to keep your family safe should a fire alarm be triggered.

If a risk assessment is not available or you are concerned that the fire safety in your building is not being taken seriously enough by management, contact your local fire safety authority.

Waking Watch

After the tragedy of the Grenfell Tower Fire in 2017, many high rise buildings were identified as having dangerous flammable materials within the exterior wall.

If your building is one of these, fire safety advice is that a simultaneous evacuation policy be put in place until the issue is resolved, replacing the existing stay put policy recommended by the fire service.

Waking watch is one of the ways to do this, with fire marshals patrolling the building 24/7 in the search for fire.

Waking watch officer responsibilities include:

  • Continually patrolling the building looking for fire hazards and signs of fire.
  • Alerting residents in the event of a fire
  • Overseeing the evacuation of the building
  • Contacting the emergency services
  • Liaising with the fire service once they arrive

Waking watch is only a temporary solution however, as it can prove costly for tenants, and replacing the role with a common fire alarm such as our industry leading V-fire system could save residents as much as 80% in comparison.

Here at V360, we take apartment fire safety extremely seriously, and offer both temporary highly trained waking watch officers, and an industry leading V-Fire common alarm system.

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The first thing to do if facing a serious assault charge Scotland is to seek legal advice from a criminal lawyer.

You should also take the time to research and understand the charges that are against you and the process that you will have to go through if the case progresses.

Assault is a very serious allegation to face, with a maximum sentence of many years imprisonment so it is crucial that you take the situation seriously. It is also a term that actually refers to a number of different specific charges but in general can be defined as an action that inflicts intentional or reckless harm to another person.

In the UK, there are 4 main types of assault that you can be charged with depending on the severity of the harm that is done to the victim and the motivation behind the incident.

criminal lawyer
These are:


The most minor of physical assault charges, often brought alongside common assault charges. The distinguishing factor between the two is that if a person believes that they may be under threat of harm they can be considered a victim of common assault, whilst physical harm is required for a charge of battery.

Common assault

Common assault is, as you can probably guess, the most common type of assault charge in the UK. This is no surprise as there doesn’t even ned to be physical contact for an assault charge to be levelled and merely the threat of harm could result in a conviction. As such, the potential penalties for a common assault conviction are less severe that with ABH or GBH charges. That said, custodial sentences are still possible, with a maximum potential sentence of one year’s imprisonment.

Actual Bodily Harm (ABH)

ABH covers assaults causing injuries that are more severe that battery but less permanent that GBH. The amount of harm that the perpetrator intended to do is irrelevant to ABH charges. As long as they intended to do unlawful harm the extent of the injury and not the intent will be the important factor in ABH cases.

For example, punching someone who falls and hits their head on a curb could be adjudged as just as serious an assault as hitting someone’s head on a curb intentionally. There are extremely serious potential penalties for people who are charged with ABH even if the injuries sustained were accidental, with an unlimited fine or a 5 year prison sentence the maximum sentence available if the case is heard in a crown court.

Grievous Bodily harm (GBH)

The most serious of all assault charges and the one that carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. These cases can only be heard in the crown court and if you are charged with a section 18 GBH offence and the victim later dies of the injuries that they sustained, the charges can be increased to man slaughter or even murder.

Injuries that constitute harm serious enough to be classed as GBH include stab wounds, injuries inflicted with another weapon, and even psychiatric injury. Being accused or charged with GBH is an extremely serious situation and it is absolutely vital to seek immediate legal representation. It is no exaggeration to say that choosing the right lawyer to represent you at this stage is a decision that will have major consequences for your future.

Things to do IMMEDIATELY when charged with assault

The instant that you are charged with an assault offence seek legal advice from a criminal defence solicitor highly trained in assault and battery cases. In fact, if you think there is the smallest chance that you may be accused or charged in the future,  based on recent events or threats against you, get in touch with a lawyer or at least research some lawyers in your area who might be suitable.

Being naive and assuming that you won’t actually be charged could leave you unprepared when the worst happens and put you on the back foot from the very start.

Never speak to the police without your solicitor in the room with you and make sure to gather as much evidence as possible about the case. Emails, texts, photos, videos; anything that might be relevant to the events in question should be retained and given to your lawyer so that they can begin to build your defence. You should also make a list of any possible witnesses and put your lawyer in touch with them.

NEVER attempt to conceal evidence or withhold it, either because you think it may incriminate you or because you are embarrassed. This is not only illegal but if the evidence comes out later on in the case you will be putting your lawyer at a disadvantage and could compromise your own case.

The best balcony blinds in Singapore: Why you should invest in Invisible GrillesThe best balcony blinds in Singapore: Why you should invest in Invisible Grilles

The majority of Singaporeans grew up in homes that feature safe and secure conventional window or balcony grilles. While they do work to make sure that your family and loved ones are safe, these grilles are quite distracting and are a little unattractive to look at, blocking out much of the view. Thus, while there are many balcony blinds in Singapore that are suitable for your home in terms of either style or protection, not many offer both. This is where invisible grilles can help. They are made with stainless steel and integrated with rubber or plastic in order to deliver extra protection through their strong and sturdy materials all the while remaining very see-through or ‘invisible’. They offer a number of great advantages for any homeowner—here are some of the main benefits:

They are very resilient

If you regularly leave home for work and other commitments, it is important to ensure that your house is adequately protected. You don’t want to allow any room for theft or burglary, and this involves ensuring that your balconies are protected. Invisible grilles are some of the best balcony blinds in Singapore for this purpose, as they are created to guarantee maximum safety and protection. The invisible grilles are also made with a cable system made of stainless steel, which doesn’t rust or corrode like other metals and alloys. This means that they will last for many years.

Since an invisible grille is very strong, it is the best option for preventing break-ins. It is nearly impossible to cut it with the regular tools used for theft. The invisible grilles are also engineered with a stainless steel cable system, which unlike other metals or alloys is not prone to rust and corrosion, ensuring that they will last for many years. 

They are attractive

Unlike regular grilles that are quite unattractive to look at, invisible grilles guarantee a sleek and modern look for your apartment. From a distance, you don’t even see them, which can help preserve the existing look of your apartment balcony. It also helps to create the illusion of a bigger space, which ensures that you do not feel cramped up on your balcony. 

They allow for a better view

Invisible grilles also guarantee that you still get to keep your view. While you will still be able to see the grilles up close, it is very minimally distracting and still allows you to bask in the sunlight and in the atmosphere that your balcony provides. It provides a semi-outdoor and open character to your balcony space, perfect for enjoying the sun and fresh air. It also ensures that you receive a good amount of natural light into your space, which ensures that your balcony still looks and feels homely. 

They are simple to maintain

Invisible grilles are one of the easiest balcony blinders in Singapore to maintain. All you have to do to keep them in tip-top shape is to dust, blow, and vacuum them on a regular basis. You can even just give it a good wipe down with a cloth and water and you are good to go!

They are easily customisable

The biggest advantage of invisible grilles is that they can be nicely customised. They can be made in a variety of grille gap sizes, engineered with vertical or horizontal grilles and can be put in a variety of locations. Even if you have a balcony that is unusually shaped, invisible grilles can be made to fit. 

Get the best balcony blinds in Singapore for your property

There are many condo balcony blinds in Singapore that are suitable for you, but with invisible grilles, you can transform your balcony into a relaxing and safe outdoor space. INVISYS is a company that understands the essential nature of safety—something that we all often take for granted until it is too late. With INVISYS, you can get the best invisible grilles backed up with zip blinds that can give your balcony everything from safety, security, and comfort. 

Contact INVISYS today to find out more about their solutions for your balcony spaces!

How to prepare for your first divorce lawyer meetingHow to prepare for your first divorce lawyer meeting

Divorce Lawyer Clarkston

Meeting with a divorce lawyer for the very first time is a stressful and daunting experience.

For most, this will be the first time they have ever gone through a divorce and will have very little idea of what to expect, even if this is not your first time, the outcome of the proceedings will have a massive impact on your life for years to come.

At Oracle Law, we understand just how confusing and daunting divorce can seem and have used our many years of family law experience to put together this step-by-step guide on the divorce process.

Before you meet with your divorce lawyer for an initial consultation there are a few things that you should do to ensure that the experience is as productive as possible.

Here are our top 5 tips for meeting with a divorce lawyer for the first time:

1. Preparation is key

The more information that a lawyer has about your case, the better advice they will be able to give and the more effective a strategy that they will be able to create.

You should bring any information to the meeting that you think may be useful to your lawyer including details of finances, and the events that led up to the separation.

Emails, text messages, and other correspondence may also be useful, but this can always be provided later upon your lawyer’s requests.

During the appointment, some of the issues that may be discussed could include the value of your current property, details surrounding shared loan agreements such as mortgages, and the estimated value of any liabilities or other assets that your or your former partner have.

Exact details may not be required at this point but taking a note of this information can help you to give your lawyer a better picture of what the situation is right from the get go, giving you a head start in legal proceedings.

2. Ask Questions

Your divorce lawyer is there to help and guide you through what can be a very complicated process.

Do not be afraid to ask all the questions that you have about the process and your role in divorce proceedings.

Failing to ask questions could lead you to making accidental mistakes during the case that could compromise your position, so it is always best to check with your lawyer before acting.

There is a lot of legal jargon thrown around during legal cases and you are not expected to have an in-depth knowledge of the language used, so if you are ever unsure about the meaning of something make sure to ask.

3. Know what you want

At the end of the day, a divorce lawyer is there to secure the best possible outcome from a divorce for you.

However, the best outcome is not always the same in every case, and every client we deal with has their own priorities and desires.

For some people, they are desperate to secure possession of the family home or their fair share of joint finances, whilst for those with children being granted access and guardianship rights should always be the main focus.

By letting your lawyer know at an early stage what it is that really matters to you in the divorce and the outcome you are looking to achieve, they can help to build a case directly aimed at achieving this.

4. Make sure you are comfortable

For your meeting with a Divorce Lawyer Clarkston to be successful, it is vital that you are as open and honest as possible.

You will often have to provide sensitive information or accounts of highly emotional events, so it is crucial that you feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible during the meeting.

No matter if it is child law, divorce, asset division or any other topic that is the main focus of the meeting, you should always make sure that the consultation takes place in an environment that you feel safe and secure in and are able to speak as freely as possible.

If you are unsure about the time or place of a proposed meeting, get in touch with your lawyer and they will be more than happy to rearrange it to suit your needs.

5. Ask a friend or family member to attend

One of the best ways to relax during your first meeting with a solicitor is to bring along a friend or family member.

This moral support can be invaluable during this stressful time and even just having someone to drop you off at the meeting location and pick you up after can make all the difference, calming the nerves and taking your mind off the situation.

Contact Oracle Law

Oracle Law is the leading supplier of top quality family law services at fantastic prices for customers across Scotland.

For more information, or to arrange a consultation, call us now on 0141 332 0915, or fill out our contact form.