Day: January 18, 2023

How to prepare for your first divorce lawyer meetingHow to prepare for your first divorce lawyer meeting

Divorce Lawyer Clarkston

Meeting with a divorce lawyer for the very first time is a stressful and daunting experience.

For most, this will be the first time they have ever gone through a divorce and will have very little idea of what to expect, even if this is not your first time, the outcome of the proceedings will have a massive impact on your life for years to come.

At Oracle Law, we understand just how confusing and daunting divorce can seem and have used our many years of family law experience to put together this step-by-step guide on the divorce process.

Before you meet with your divorce lawyer for an initial consultation there are a few things that you should do to ensure that the experience is as productive as possible.

Here are our top 5 tips for meeting with a divorce lawyer for the first time:

1. Preparation is key

The more information that a lawyer has about your case, the better advice they will be able to give and the more effective a strategy that they will be able to create.

You should bring any information to the meeting that you think may be useful to your lawyer including details of finances, and the events that led up to the separation.

Emails, text messages, and other correspondence may also be useful, but this can always be provided later upon your lawyer’s requests.

During the appointment, some of the issues that may be discussed could include the value of your current property, details surrounding shared loan agreements such as mortgages, and the estimated value of any liabilities or other assets that your or your former partner have.

Exact details may not be required at this point but taking a note of this information can help you to give your lawyer a better picture of what the situation is right from the get go, giving you a head start in legal proceedings.

2. Ask Questions

Your divorce lawyer is there to help and guide you through what can be a very complicated process.

Do not be afraid to ask all the questions that you have about the process and your role in divorce proceedings.

Failing to ask questions could lead you to making accidental mistakes during the case that could compromise your position, so it is always best to check with your lawyer before acting.

There is a lot of legal jargon thrown around during legal cases and you are not expected to have an in-depth knowledge of the language used, so if you are ever unsure about the meaning of something make sure to ask.

3. Know what you want

At the end of the day, a divorce lawyer is there to secure the best possible outcome from a divorce for you.

However, the best outcome is not always the same in every case, and every client we deal with has their own priorities and desires.

For some people, they are desperate to secure possession of the family home or their fair share of joint finances, whilst for those with children being granted access and guardianship rights should always be the main focus.

By letting your lawyer know at an early stage what it is that really matters to you in the divorce and the outcome you are looking to achieve, they can help to build a case directly aimed at achieving this.

4. Make sure you are comfortable

For your meeting with a Divorce Lawyer Clarkston to be successful, it is vital that you are as open and honest as possible.

You will often have to provide sensitive information or accounts of highly emotional events, so it is crucial that you feel as relaxed and comfortable as possible during the meeting.

No matter if it is child law, divorce, asset division or any other topic that is the main focus of the meeting, you should always make sure that the consultation takes place in an environment that you feel safe and secure in and are able to speak as freely as possible.

If you are unsure about the time or place of a proposed meeting, get in touch with your lawyer and they will be more than happy to rearrange it to suit your needs.

5. Ask a friend or family member to attend

One of the best ways to relax during your first meeting with a solicitor is to bring along a friend or family member.

This moral support can be invaluable during this stressful time and even just having someone to drop you off at the meeting location and pick you up after can make all the difference, calming the nerves and taking your mind off the situation.

Contact Oracle Law

Oracle Law is the leading supplier of top quality family law services at fantastic prices for customers across Scotland.

For more information, or to arrange a consultation, call us now on 0141 332 0915, or fill out our contact form.