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5 reasons to replace your windows this spring5 reasons to replace your windows this spring


If you are looking to add an extra layer of protection to your home by installing replacement windows in your home, spring is the perfect time to make the change.

Not only will this freshen up your home as part of your annual spring clean, setting you up perfectly for the year to come, there are several practical reasons that make this season ideal for window installation.

5 Benefits to replacing your windows this spring

1. Faster Installation

At Advanced, we can install our industry leading windows at any time of year, but spring conditions make the job as fast and painless as possible.

As the clocks go forward there will be more daylight than in previous months, allowing our expert installers a bit more time to get their work done each day.

With our services, you can be confident that all our work is done with the highest possible attention to detail, and spring gives our technicians a few more hours every day to complete the task as efficiently as possible.

Furthermore, weather conditions tend to be more favourable in the Spring (Though there is never any guarantee with Scottish weather!) meaning the whole installation process will be smooth and stress-free as possible with no weather-related delays or complications.

2. Better Security

As we enter spring, many people begin to look forward to their summer holiday, a much deserved chance to get away from the stress of day-to-day life or spend some time with family.

In order to relax and enjoy your time away to the full, it is vital that you have peace of mind that your empty home is secure and well protected against potential intruders.

This makes the spring the perfect opportunity to make a security upgrade to your home in the form of double or triple glazed windows.

Windows are often targeted by burglars in order to gain access to a property and only having single or older double glazed windows is a major security risk.

Most criminals are opportunists who look for properties with limited security measures in place, to have the best chance of getting in and out without detection.

With double glazing Edinburg you have an additional layer of protection, making them much harder to smash for a criminal.

The additional time it would take to smash your brand new reinforced double or triple glazing means there is a much better chance of an intruder being detected by a neighbour, and most criminals will take one look at your windows and decide to move on elsewhere.

By installing new windows in the spring, you can enjoy your summer break safe in the knowledge that it is extremely unlikely that your property will be the target of theft or property crime.

3. Enjoy the outside

If your old windows get stuck easily or are jammed shut it can be difficult to enjoy the spring weather to the fullest.

Being able to open up your windows and let in some of the wonderful spring air has many health benefits and it crucial to creating that fresh feel that you are looking for.

If you are struggling to open your windows currently, the spring is the perfect time to install some shiny new replacements that can easily be opened and closed depending on the outdoor conditions.

The Scottish weather is notoriously unpredictable and freezing temperature, snow, and wind cannot be discounted even towards the end of the spring.

For this reason, all our windows are not only easily opened but when closed they are also fully draft proof, and A-Rated energy efficient to retain heat and maximise installation in colder temperatures.

4. UV Protection

As temperatures climb and the sun comes out UV rays grow in strength.

Whilst taking precautions such as sun cream application and wearing a hat are instilled into us when leaving the house in hot weather many people falsely believe they are protected by their windows when inside.

Older windows offer very little UV protection whilst modern double and triple glazing comes equipped with a transparent low-E coating that shields the interior from the damaging rays.

Not only will this protect your and your family’s skin, but it will also help reduce fading of furniture, paintings, and other soft furnishings, helping to maintain a fresh and vibrant feel in your home.

5. Save Money

Whilst the initial cost of new windows may be off-putting they are a fantastic spring investment that will help you to save money all year long.

Modern windows are excellent at preventing heat transfer, meaning that they will keep your home nice and cool during the summer, whilst retaining heat during the winter.

This will allow you to save significant amounts of money on heating bills in the colder months, and on fan use and air conditioning during the summer.

Get In Touch

To get more information on spring window installation from an industry leader in double and triple glazing installation in Scotland, call us today on 08000 502 502.

5 tips to help improve your construction site security5 tips to help improve your construction site security

Building Site Security

Construction site security is a major challenge for project managers across the UK.

Construction sites can easily become chaotic and unorganised, no matter how professional and well planned the project is, and ensuring that you have an effective security plan in place is essential.

Construction sites are popular targets for vandals, thieves, and trespassers due to the large quantities of valuable materials, vehicles, and tools found on the premises.

It is crucial that you keep your staff well away from intruders and take steps to ensure that it is extremely difficult to access your site without permission.

Here are a few of the most useful tips to help dramatically improve your construction site security:

Have a Plan

The very first step in creating a safe and secure site is to have an effective security plan in place.

By identifying potentially vulnerable areas of your site on a map, you will be able to work out exactly where your security needs to be tightest.

Once you have noted the weak points on your site, usually near gates, doors, and other entry points, it is time to create your strategy to increase security levels in those areas.

If you are not experienced in creating security plans, it can be difficult to know exactly where your weak points are, and given that getting this wrong could have disastrous consequences, it might be worth having a professional security company conduct this survey for you.

They will have many years of experience dealing with building site security and will know exactly where you are most likely to be targeted after a single visit to your site.

They will also be able to recommend the most effective security measures to put in place to mitigate your risk based on the nature of your site, giving you peace of mind that nothing has been overlooked.

Concentrate on the perimeter

The very best way to reduce the risk of thieves and vandals costing you thousands of pounds in stolen goods or damaged equipment, is to stop them from entering your site at all.

Creating a strong perimeter will protect all the equipment and supplies on site and let your staff get on with what they do best without worrying about intruders.

Having a high fence at least 2m tall around your entire site will discourage trespassing, and even if someone still attempts to access the property by climbing over, the fence gives your security staff or passers-by a much better chance of seeing them and raising the alarm.


Construction sites are often extremely large plots and keeping an eye across the entire site can be a challenge.

Installing a CCTV surveillance system on site will allow you and your security team to do this with ease and if an unauthorised individual does breach your perimeter, CCTV will ensure that they are quickly identified before harm is done.

Early detection allows you to take immediate action by contacting the authorities and capturing footage of a crime taking place will give the police a much better chance of catching the culprit and retrieving any stolen goods.

In order to ensure your cameras are of the highest quality and installed in the most effective areas of the site, it is recommended that you use a professional security firm to install and monitor your CCTV cameras.

Prime Secure are leading suppliers of mobile CCTV towers in the UK, meaning that even if your site has no mains electricity access, we will still be able to provide you with top quality video surveillance.

Security Guards

Despite dramatic advances in security technology in recent years, nothing has yet replaced the effectiveness of having experienced boots on the ground in the form of construction site security guards.

Security guards will make sure no-one enters your site without authorisation, detain trespassers and thieves until the police arrive, and monitor your surveillance system to identify suspicious behaviour.

As leading providers of both CCTV and security staff, all Prime Secure’s construction security guards are fully trained to work alongside CCTV and other security technology to identify threats and be on location in a matter of seconds.

Organise Deliveries Effectively

Easier said than done on a busy construction site, but effective planning is one of the best ways to reduce the risk of security lapses.

Scheduling deliveries for example, so that materials are quickly used on site, or stored away in secure locations and are not left lying around on site for days on end will make the chances of theft significantly lower.

Many construction companies look to have materials on site several days before they are used, but this is just asking for trouble and the less time that expensive materials are left out in the open, the higher the risk of being the victim of crime.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Hybrid Heating SystemAdvantages and Disadvantages of a Hybrid Heating System


A hybrid heating system combines a traditional gas or oil boiler with a renewable energy source such as an air source heat pump.

Hybrid solutions are often recommended for those who want to take advantage of all the benefits of renewable energy but whose homes are not suitable to be powered in such a manner.

In Scotland, for example, many properties are quite large and many years old with a significant amount of energy required to meet the heat requirements of the inhabitants.

In this situation, a single heat pump may be unable to fully satisfy the demand but can certainly be a fantastic contributor in a hybrid system.

Many people are unaware that hybrid heating solutions are even available, so we have put together this guide to the pros and cons of installing one in your home.


Lower Energy Bills

Energy prices are at an all time high in the UK, with the cost of fossil fuels such as gas and oil skyrocketing in recent years.

With the Government threatening further restrictions and tariffs on such energy supplies in a bid to meet climate targets, this rise shows no sign of slowing, and installing a renewable heating source has never been a better financial decision.

Whilst your heat pump or similar will not provide 100% of your heat, and your boiler will still be required during the winter months, its usage will be dramatically reduced.

As a result, you will see a major drop off in your annual energy bills immediately after installation and provide yourself with some protection against future market fluctuations.

It is estimated that by installing a hybrid heating system, Scottish homeowners could see their annual heating bills slashed by an incredible 50%.

Increased Energy Efficiency

Hybrid heating provides homeowners with fantastic efficiency levels, with smart technology installed within the system itself automatically switching between your boiler and your heat pump, depending on what is deemed most effective at any moment.

In the summer, you will likely be able to meet all your hot water needs using your heat pump alone, whilst when temperature drops in the heart of winter, your boiler will perform better.

In optimal conditions, a heat pump will generate 3-4 units of heat energy for every 1 unit of electric energy it uses to operate, given the system an unrivalled efficiency level of around 300-400%.

In comparison, electric heating is only 100% energy efficient, whilst even the newest and most efficient combi boiler will max out at around 95%.

Reduced carbon emissions

Saving money is awesome, but by installing a heating system partially fuelled through renewable means, you will be helping to save the planet all at the same time.

Home heating in the UK is estimated to account for around 15% of the UK’s total carbon emissions with hot water and heating making up the vast amount of your total C02 output.

As we all become more aware of just how important clean energy is to protect the environment there really is no better time to invest in renewable energy.

Qualify for the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)

Reducing carbon emissions is not only important for you, it is also essential to the Government who have committed to reaching net zero by 2050, and reducing home heating is essential to meeting this goal.

For this reason, there are a number of incentives encouraging homeowners to invest in renewable technology, and by installing a heat pump in your home, you will qualify for the RHI scheme that requires energy suppliers to pay you for every kWh of heat you produce by renewable means.

RHI payments will be made on a quarterly basis over 7 years following installation.


Installation Costs

Whilst installing a hybrid heating Glasgow system is an excellent long-term investment, with the unit more than paying for itself over its lifespan, there is a significant upfront cost to be aware of.

For this reason, it may not be worthwhile if you intend to move in the first few years after installation.

The cost of installing a hybrid heating system in the UK tends to range from around £5000-10000.

Luckily, by using multiple heating sources throughout the year, the lifespan of both your heat pump and boiler will be significantly increased meaning that you won’t need to pay for repairs or replacements in the near future.

Not 100% clean

Whilst you will significantly reduce your carbon footprint by installing a hybrid heating system, such a set-up is not completely emission free.

This is because some of your energy will still be produced via your fossil fuel burning boiler as well as your heat pump needing a small amount of electricity to run, some of which will be produced through non-renewable means.

Five Hot Tub Health BenefitsFive Hot Tub Health Benefits

Hot Tub

Hot Tubs have become increasingly popular in recent years. There are some obvious reasons for this; they make an excellent investment for your home, and there’s the comfort and sociable element, but there is also a growing awareness of the benefit provided to health via the use of Hot Tubs. This includes benefits for,

  • Anxiety and Stress Levels
  • Migraines and Chronic Headaches
  • Diabetes
  • Chronic Pains
  • Sleep

In this article we’ll take a closer look at the benefits provided by Hot Tubs for these issues.

1. Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety is a common issue in the modern world, and it can result from several health issues. It can also exacerbate existing issues, such as illness, and damage our immune system’s ability to respond effectively. It can also cause us issues for sleep, which in turn worsens the existing anxiety – creating an unfortunate cycle of difficulty which can be difficult to get out of.

Hot Tubs are great for handling anxiety, the flow of warm water and the sense of buoyancy relaxes the body, reducing the sense of anxiety and physical stress you are feeling.

2. Migraines and Headaches

Splitting headaches, or worse, migraines, are a true nightmare to deal with. There are also very few treatments that can help with chronic headaches and migraines, and as such they can become a very distracting and noticeable issue. However, water and hydrotherapy have long been used as treatment.

Research is increasingly pointing to Hot Tubs and hydrotherapy as a potential solution to such issues. Migraines and headaches often result from tension in our bodies, as well as emotional worries like anxiety and stress. The experience of taking a dip in a hot tub can loosen the muscles and relax the body, reducing the potential of a headache triggered by tension.

3. Diabetes

One of the seemingly stranger options for dealing with Diabetes, specifically Type 2 Diabetes, is Hot Tub Therapy. 

Recent research has found that Hot Tubs may act to lower blood sugar levels, especially in people who suffer from Type 2 diabetes. It has been found this is caused by 30 minute sessions in the hot tub.  This results from the fact that the experience of the hot tub is for the body not unlike a level of exercise, which is another of the most popular treatments for Type 2 Diabetes.

4. Chronic Pains

There are a range of chronic pain conditions that you can be affected by. Some develop from repetitive movements; others are just a natural part of getting older. Regardless, they can make everyday activities not only a chore, but painful. They are also a serious cause of sleep disruption.

Spending time in a Hot Tub is a fantastic way to handle this kind of pains; hydrotherapy is one of the oldest treatments for handling Chronic Pain issues, as warm water is a fantastic way to loosen the muscles and undo knots. As a result, the body relaxes and pains in the joints become less noticeable.

The result of regular sessions in a Hot Tub can be the return of increased flexibility and range of motion – not to mention an increase in the sense of strength you have.

5. Improved Sleep

Sleep is vital for the quality of our health and has a serious impact on the functionality of our bodies.

Sleep is often disturbed due to coldness, as the optimum sleeping temperature is around 15-22c, which allows our body to become relaxed and fall asleep relatively quickly.

This is a major benefit of a Hot Tub. Hot Tubs Glasgow allow us to experience a gradual rise in the core temperature of our body before a gradual fall.

This creates in us a fantastic sense of drowsiness and relaxation, and this is fantastic for helping us get to sleep. Using a Hot Tub before sleeping can help create a deep state of ‘REM’ sleep.

Improved sleep has a range of serious health benefits. These include,

  • Bolstering your immune system
  • Serious improvements in your productivity
  • Reduced stress and improved mood and mental health
  • Improvements to memory
  • Exercise performance
  • Reducing weight gain

The focus on getting good sleep that is promoted by so many doctors and physicians is not without its merits. When combined with a good diet and regular exercising, this improved sleep can have major benefits for your health and overall quality of life.